Red, a Stafford Terrier, and Quail, a Pointer Mix, were bitten multiple times by a rattlesnake in their front yard in Bradenton, FL. Given antivenin, and then taken to Critical Vet Care in Sarasota, they received life-saving oxygen treatments in the veterinary hyperbaric oxygen chamber. They each received 12 treatments at 2 ATA over the course of 1 week. CLICK FOR VIDEO »»

Radiation Treatments were given three times a week from 8/30/10 to 9/22/10. ----- Mandibulectomy performed on 12/8/10 ----- Multiple Skin graft/flap procedures performed on 12/13/10, 12/14/10, and 1/3/11. Grafts/flaps were not successful in closing the defect ----- Wound Debridement performed on 1/7/11 ----- Post: Antibiotics continued along with adding HBOT: 27 HBOT treatments given between 1/17/10 and 2/10/10.

Culture of the abdominal fluid yielded a bacterial growth of Klebsiella. ----- Treated with Baytril, Timentin and HBOT ----- Post: After 5 days of HBOT (9 treatments total)

St. Francis Animal Hospital, Jacksonville, FL ----- 12/10/12: After the dog fight, the dog ran away for 4 days before being brought to the vet. ----- Treated with Rimadyl, Baytril, Ampicillin, Metronidazole in hospital. ----- No wound debridement or surgery performed. ----- 8 HBOT treatments over 5 days then discharged and put on oral Baytril and Clavamox at home. ----- (2ATA for 60 minutes each)

Severe effusive canine pancreatitis associated with progressive pleural fluid. ----- Treated for 14 days with standard conservative therapy prior to referral. ----- In addition to standard supportive therapy, HBOT was given at 2 ATA for 1 hour on 4 consecutive days.

Piedmont Animal Emergency & Referral Center - Matthews, NC Chicken that was treated for a wound, suspected hawk attack. She had 9 total HBOT treatments.