Buddy . . .
Case Study submitted by Jon Geller, DVM, DABVP
Fort Collins Veterinary Emergency and Rehabilitation Hospital - Fort Collins, CO
Buddy is a 5 yr old neutered male mixed breed dog who presented for vomiting and abdominal discomfort. He has a history of foreign body ingestion, including a peach pit that required an enterotomy, and then most recently an anastamosis and resection for an unknown foreign body.
X-rays were taken and interpreted by a radiologist, showing a gas distended section of small intestine and striated soft tissue material in the ascending colon.
Buddy was taken to surgery, where extensive adhesions were found from previous surgeries, along with a section of ischemic bowel, requiring a resection and anastamosis of several feet of small intestines.

Due to financial constraints, Buddy’s owners could not afford another surgery, and were concerned about further complications. A plan of medical therapy including broad-spectrum IV antibiotics and multiple HBOT treatments was initiated with a very guarded prognosis.
Following a series of 4 HBOT treatments, 2 ATA for 60 minutes over several days, Buddy gradually improved and made a full recovery. There was no evidence of sepsis in the fluid collecting in the JP drain, and fluid production eventually decreased and the drain was pulled. Buddy was discharged from the hospital with broad spectrum oral antibiotics and did well.